Monday, May 18, 2009
Man, Do I Love the Failblog
Just a couple of belly laughs for today. (WARNING: If you choose to visit the Failblog, my strong recommendation is that you click the link at the top of the page that shows you only G-Rated fails. The unfiltered site can be quite inappropriate. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!)

(I've think I've been to churches like this.)
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BTW, I'm curious. Do you plan on seeing the new Star Trek? If so, would you mind doing a review on it here, or just email me and let me know how it was.
The preview, to me, looks a bit lame. LOL But can't judge a book by it's cover (or can we?!)
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The preview, to me, looks a bit lame. LOL But can't judge a book by it's cover (or can we?!)
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