Monday, May 18, 2009


Man, Do I Love the Failblog

Just a couple of belly laughs for today. (WARNING: If you choose to visit the Failblog, my strong recommendation is that you click the link at the top of the page that shows you only G-Rated fails. The unfiltered site can be quite inappropriate. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!)

fail owned pwned pictures

fail owned pwned pictures

fail owned pwned pictures

fail owned pwned pictures

fail owned pwned pictures
(I've think I've been to churches like this.)

Oh my that's too funny! That first one is sad! So is the last one for that matter!
BTW, I'm curious. Do you plan on seeing the new Star Trek? If so, would you mind doing a review on it here, or just email me and let me know how it was.
The preview, to me, looks a bit lame. LOL But can't judge a book by it's cover (or can we?!)
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