Friday, July 11, 2008
The Best Laid Plans of Mice, Men, and Tim Butler
Well, I almost missed a huge opportunity yesterday. Something that I've been looking to do for a while now.
And the reason I almost missed it is because I am selfish.
Thursday nights are typically a welcome respite around our house. Isaac and Olivia attend Youth Group in Ann Arbor. Usually, I am not the one who takes them. Rita or another local Mom who drives that way gives them a lift. That leaves me at home with only the younger kids, who I can make go to bed early with my awesome Dad powers. Then, I get to sit around, relax, have a fire on the patio, listen to some mp3s, etc.
However, last night was one of the rare times that I had to drive to Ann Arbor. No problem. I thought a bit about what I could do while Isaac and Olivia were at church. The weather was warm, so I could walk around. Get myself some ice cream. Do some browsing in some shops. Hit Main Street. Go to a coffee shop.
For the evening, Ann Arbor was my oyster. I could do whatever I wanted.
My grandiose plan began to unravel when Philip asked, "Can I come with you?"
No. You can't.
"But I want to hang out with you."
There will be nothing for you to do.
"I'll do whatever you want to do."
No, I don't even know what I'm going to do.
"I'll bring a book or something."
Whew. That settled that. My "me" time was still a go.
We ate dinner, got ready, and were poised to walk out the door.
That's when it happened.
Rita whispered to me, "You could take him to the Washtenaw Dairy."
(For those of you who are uninitiated, the Washtenaw Dairy is in Ann Arbor and is arguably the best place in southeast Michigan to get ice cream. Around the time that we were married, Rita and I lived a block away from it.)
I scoffed and turned to head to the door. Then, it hit me. Why don't I take him with me? I have a choice here - selfishness or fun with Philip. It's not even a sacrifice. I love spending time with my kids. But all that freedom to just kick back and do what I want to do by myself.....
A growl rose up in my chest, up my throat, and came out of my mouth.
Rita's eyebrows shot up, and she looked surprised.
Philip walked by, and I grabbed his shoulder.
"Get your shoes on. You're coming with me."
He was excited. So was I. I had made the right choice.
We dropped off Isaac and Olivia and headed to the University of Michigan campus. Philip told me, to my surprise, that he had never been here before. So, as we walked around, I told him stories about things that I remembered when I was a student. I showed him where I took my classes and some of the places I like to go in Ann Arbor. We didn't go to the Washtenaw Dairy, but we stopped by Stucchi's. Both of us ordered a big dish of ice cream with peanut butter cups mixed in. We stopped at Borders, and while we were shopping, Philip decided to use all of his cash on hand to buy a book for Nathanael. I was very touched by that gesture.
On the way back to the car, Phil talked to me about his future and what he thought he would like to do. He liked the U of M campus, but he thought that he would like to go to a smaller college. He said that he had no idea what he wants to do when he's older, and I told him that was fine as long as he settled on something he really loved.
It was a fine evening. And I almost missed it.
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