Monday, October 22, 2007


Quick Update

Yes, I've fallen off of the blogging wagon again. Please excuse my silence. Things have been pretty crazy. Just a brief update today. However, some things are brewing in my life that I'm not going to be able to keep to myself, so please check back here again in the future for additional crazy chapters in my life!

Rehearsals for A Christmas Carol are proceeding quickly. We are about half done with blocking the second act. The set pieces and props are coming together. Not only are we rehearsing our scenes, but we're practicing scene changes. As there are about 40 people in the cast, our director, Angie, sees no reason to have additional people backstage to handle the changing of scenes. So, the actors are taking care of that as well. The children are doing a great job, and Nathanel's Tiny Tim is going to be so cute! Hard to believe, but we are coming up on about a month away from Tech Week!!! Wow!

I'm radically behind in my Christmas prep this year. Usually about this time, I'm finished with stocking stuffers and onto purchasing gifts for the extended family and some for our own children. Oh well. Looks like all the work is going to take place in November. Maybe I'll blog a bit more extensively this year about the extreme measures a Christmas fanatic (That would be me!) takes to prepare for the holiday!

Monday, October 01, 2007


Monday Morning Blues

Not much lately, especially today. Trying to get back on track after having to spend a major portion of the weekend dealing with hurt and disappointment from a very unexpected source. Ah, life's little surprises......

So, I'm starting out my week being very thankful for my lovely wife, who is someone that I know I can ALWAYS depend on when I'm down. One thing I'm especially grateful for is that when we are both disappointed, we always draw closer together and comfort each other. We spent a lot of time yesterday talking and holding each other.

Also, I'm thankful for my parents, who once again proved to me over the weekend that I can always depend on them when I manage to wander into a situation that I can't handle. (Not the same disappointing situation discussed above!) Forty-three years old and the folks are still standing by me and bailing me out! Thanks, Mom and Dad for all the love and support you show me, Rita, and the kids on a continual basis. We love you!!!!

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