Wednesday, March 21, 2007
A Thousand and One Uses for a Photocopier
Well, I suppose it had to happen sooner or later.
A few years back, when Ford was doing well and profit sharing checks were really something to write home about, I bought Rita a really extravagant Christmas present. The Holy Grail of school supplies for the homeschooling mom - a photocopier. She was delighted. You have to understand that schooling six kids at home means a ton of copying. Assignment sheets, record sheets, activity sheets, etc. Homeschooling mothers either have their own machine, have a best friend who has a machine, or rent an extra room at a nearby Kinkos.
Yesterday, one of our more..... shall we say, inventive..... children decided to use the photocopier in a way that it had never been used before. In the past, there have been experiments. I've sometimes come home and found pictures of hands, feet, teeth, arms, toys, computer disks. Just about anything.
Yesterday, there were pictures of something else. I don't know if Rita discovered the boy genius (You had to know it wasn't Olivia) sitting on the copier actually making the copies or if she found the incriminating pages afterward. But yes, one of our boys got the ambitious and daring idea of seeing what it would look like if he took some photos of his bare bottom.
I laughed when Rita told me. She confessed that her reaction wasn't quite as jovial. We both agreed that it might not be a bad idea to post the copies on our front door to see what the lad's friends in the neighborhood thought of him putting his best face forward.
I just hope the copier was appropriately cleaned and sanitized.