Tuesday, March 13, 2007


The Penultimate Treatment

Today is Mom's penultimate treatment for her breast cancer. (For anyone who doesn't know what a cool word like "penultimate" means, its definition is, "next to the last." There's no reason for me to use such an overbearing, complicated term except that it makes me feel smart.) There's a possibility that her oncologist may try the Hercepton again to see if the Congestive Heart Failure recurs, but this is truly the end of the radiation treatments.

Wow. It's been one wild, difficult ride. It is coming up on a year ago that Dad was hospitalized. Since then, we've had almost nothing but non-stop challenges in a lot of areas of life. I'm praying that this is the end of a very difficult season.

I saw Mom yesterday. Olivia and I went over to my parents house to check on some problems that Dad was having on his computer. (It turned out to be no problem, but we did manage to get his new printer installed and put some decent virus protection on the machine.) She's looking good. Looks like her hair is well into recovery, and while she's lost some weight during this ordeal, I think she looks amazingly good for a woman who is finishing up with chemo and radiation.

I can't wait until tomorrow is over!!!!!!!

Great news indeed......for all of you.
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