Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Update on Mom's Condition

I talked to Mom this afternoon after getting home from work. The only thing that she can tell me for sure is that a) she was given every test that she could conceive of a human body being subjected to and b) the doctor was able to confirm that she does indeed have a heart abnormality. The cause of the condition is unknown, although she seems fairly certain that it was caused by the hercepton infusions. Her heart is definitely not working hard enough to supply her body with the blood that it needs.

Tonight, she's on medication that is designed to stimulate her heart into working harder. At 1:30 PM tomorrow, she will be meeting with her oncologist to discuss her condition further and to decide (I hope) on a course of action from here on out.

Saints of God, please continue to pray for this situation. May the Lord hear and favor the prayers of His people.

As someone with heart problems, I hope and pray that your mom's side effects can be treated with different medications so she can resume the cancer treatment soon.
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