Sunday, February 04, 2007


My First Rule of Blogging

As you may have noticed, the previous item I posted has been edited to remove references to a situation that some friends of mine are going through in their personal life. Although I specifically said that it was not my story to tell, I felt that I was at liberty to discuss it. That was my first mistake. My second mistake was revealing personal information about the people involved, including their names.

After church this morning, I was approached by fellow member whom I respect and admire greatly. He informed me, in love, that he was surprised that I have been "so revealing" about what our friends are going through. We discussed the issue for a while, and I am so very grateful that I attend a church with brothers and sisters who can be honest with each other.

While driving home, I realized how right he was. I shared what I had written with Rita, who hadn't read it yet. She agreed completely with the gentleman who talked to me after service. I immediately signed onto my blog and removed the personal information that I had posted.

In hindsight, I see that what I had done was wrong. And I feel terrible about it.

So, that leads me to my first official law of blogging. I originally said in the offending post that I was commenting on the situation, even though it wasn't my story to tell. That was wrong. Here is Tim Butler's First Official Rule of Blogging -


I did wonder if you'd gone a bit far with the personal details, Tim, but assumed you'd cleared it with both parties. In retrospect I shouldn't have thought that as who would want their personal issues spread all over the internet ??
Well at least you've put it right now and hopefully no harm has been done with your relationship with these friends.
BTW, I sent a msg to you when you logged on to Yahoo chat recently but I got no reply. Did you not 'see' it or maybe it wasn't you ??
Yeah, definitely a case of very poor judgement on my part. Fortunately, I was able to assure the party that I had injured that very few people had actually read the offending post. (This is the first case where I've been happy that the audience for my blog is small.) Apologies have been given and accepted. I have been very graciously forgiven for my mistake.

Regarding IM - I'm afraid it wasn't me. I was on for a brief time the other day. (Very unusual. I rarely if ever take the time to go on IM) However, I didn't receive anything.
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