Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Locker Room Weirdness
Been a couple of weird days in the Ford Fitness Center locker room. For those of you who aren't in the know, I get up everyday around 5:00 AM, throw on my clothes and head into Dearborn for some exercise at the Ford Fitness Center. I then get cleaned up and head right to the office.
I've been doing this for a few years now, and yesterday was a first. After my shower, I found that someone had stolen my towel.
I was stunned.
That had never happened to me before. I stood there dripping with no obvious way to dry off. Other guys who were just getting in into the shower or finishing up looked at me with embarrassment and sympathy. One guy even said, "Hey, I didn't take it." Like I accused him or something.
Grumbling and still not willing to believe what had happened to me, I walked to the sinks, grabbed a few handfuls of paper towel, and dried off as best I could. I took a little satisfaction in that, while I'm sure he didn't realize it, I had had the last laugh on my thief. I usually use my towels for a couple of days before changing them out for a new, clean one. And the stolen towel had been used the day before.
That'll teach ya, ya locker room weasel.
Likewise, today had a less dramatic but more surreal moment. I was standing in the shower contemplating a sad situation in my life right now and, I admit, feeling a bit down about it. Without warning, the guy in the next shower stall started loudly singing "Over The Rainbow".
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Very strange.
(File this post under "Locker Room Humor.")