Monday, December 11, 2006


We Don't Want You Here - We'll Pay You to Leave

Today's the day that I've known about and suffered no small amount of anxiety regarding for months. At 1:15 PM EST, I have a 15 minute meeting with the manager of my department to receive my buyout offer. Basically, I'll be given a heap of money to cut my career short, walk out the door, and forget about Ford Motor Company.

If I don't take this offer and the company decides that more employees have to go, I may be facing "involuntary separation." Gee, that sounds like some kind of sports injury or something. What it really means is that I could be fired.

To add to the stress of the day, I'll be sitting with my immediate supervisor at 2:00 PM to receive my performance review for the year. I don't know anyone who enjoys a PR, but I absolutely hate them. Because I never feel like I do a good job, I always expect to be blasted in my review. (I've never actually been raked over the coals in one of these things.)

So today, I am not a happy guy.

I know that God is over all things. I know I can trust Him in all things. I just wish He'd push the fast forward button and move me ahead about six months so I'd know what to do and how it's all going to turn out.

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