Monday, September 04, 2006
Vacation - Day 3
Every day that I'm at Higgins Lake, Walker and I get up before dawn and hike about three miles at nearby Marl Lake. There's a place on the trail that provides a great view of the sun coming up over Marl, so I try to time it so that we arrive right about the time the sun peeks up over trees across the water. It's usually a time of quiet and solitude that I enjoy immensely. This morning, however, we had a little change of program. Isaac decided that he wanted to join us.
We had a nice walk, and I pleased to report that the young man did have a little trouble at times keeping up with his old Dad. Also, I almost always see some animals while I'm hiking. Some days when I'm really blessed, I see some deer. But today, there was no danger of that. (Anyone who knows Isaac understands what a chatterbox he is.)
Later in the day, we played a game of Putt Putt Golf. If I hadn't been involved myself, I probably would have thought it was pretty funny. I was the official score keeper and small child assistant. Rita played and also tried to keep things in order. Things held together for about two holes. After what, the older kids decided to play through while the younger ones lagged behind. Suddenly, I had kids from all over the course screaming numbers at me. Finally, I just started making stuff up. I didn't have the heart to tell them at the end that their scores were almost completely fictious.
Later, we walked by Higgins Lake, where the kids waded and threw rocks, got ice cream, and finished the day with games of Parcheesi and Trivial Pursuit.
Fun stuff.