Sunday, September 03, 2006
Vacation - Day 2
So far, nothing too exciting. But things are about to take off.
Catching up on our little northern Michigan adventure - Friday evening, we kicked off our two week vacation visiting Miller's Bar in Dearborn for a meal of the greatest cheeseburgers on Earth. We were not disappointed. Delicious! Afterwards, we spent the evening packing.
Saturday morning found us at Golden Corral for our annual first breakfast of vacation. All you can eat goodness. Assorted commitments took us well into the afternoon. It was almost 3:00 PM before we got on the road. Considering the fact that we had to stop at practically every toilet between Wayne and Higgins Lake (Traveling with a potty training 3 year old is bliss.), we made pretty good time.
Today was pretty much an organization day. We went to church at Soul's Harbor Worship Center in Roscommon. We heard a very inspiring sermon on the importance of storing the Word of God in our hearts. A special treat was seeing the pastor's daughter again for the first time since she sold us our dog, Walker, two years ago. She was delighted to hear how Walker has prospered in our household. She still owns Walker's mother, Chelsea, and we were surprised to learn how many of Walker's behaviors apparently came directly from his mother. His emotional disposition, his clinginess, his intelligence, and even his unwillingness to eat in front of others seem to be strikingly similar to Chelsea. It was a real thrill to talk to her and compare notes.
Later, we made a grocery run and capped off the day by roasting hot dogs and brats over a campfire.
Here are some pictures from the day's festivities -