Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Aladdin Call Backs

Well, first disappointment of the evening. Liv just found out that the part she's been called back for is one of the Narrators. Not Jasmine.

It's no surprise. I mean, come on. There's really only one part on the show that all of the girls want. And it ain't the Sultan, baby. That means that with over four hundred kids trying out and most of them girls, it was highly unlikely that she'd be considered for the role, no matter how good she is. Jasmine just isn't a four foot nine blonde 12 year old. Especially with all those older, taller guys trying out for Aladdin. (Talk about the heebie jeebies.) A lot of the other girls would be much closer to Jasmine's type than Olivia is.

But that doesn't stop Liv from being a little let down. She was dreaming big. So was I. Sigh.

Oh well. The up side is that there have to be fewer rehearsals for a Narrator. I just hope she lands one is those parts!

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