Thursday, July 13, 2006


Mom's Home

After I left work today, I swung by the hospital and picked up Mom. She looked great. If you didn't know she had had surgery, you would not have guessed it. Only the occasional stiffness or brief expressions of pain gave any clue. Otherwise, she looked entirely fine.

Thank you, God.

She's home now with Dad. My Aunt Fran arrived earlier in the afternoon, and she was a welcome sight. She's very anxious to help out, and we're very thankful. She'll be living with my parents for the next week or so.

Next steps - Mom has an appointment with her surgeon (the very sociable Dr. Israel) on Monday. If we don't know any sooner, I would imagine that we'll learn the results of the tests on her lymph nodes then. If they are cancerous, Mom is facing another operation to remove her right breast.

Please be in prayer everyone that the nodes will come back clean and that no further surgery is necessary. Thanks for reading and for supporting us. God bless you.

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