Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Random Memories from Neverland
Falling on my wallet the first time I tried to fly a kid
Buying a cookie for Nate
Lunch with Olivia at the Coldstone Creamery (Yes, I am the kewlest Dad in the world)
Going to two different Meijers to buy gloves and Liv's "magical flying underwear"
Isaac recruiting me to work the spotlight (What a great kid!)
Kidding around with Gary Andrews about Jimmy Hoffa
"DIE!" screamed the Lost Boy, as he threw the arrow off stage at Wendy
Molly crashing into the pirate ship during the Pan/Hook fight scene (and Anthony's subsequent "body outline")
Doing the Ooompa Loompa
Mr. Darling, the Drama Queen
Happy Birthday, Ryan! (Now give me a cookie)
Wendy landing and missing her mark (and Anthony dragging her across the stage)
Madeline's Three Stage Plan for World Conquest
Olivia's dress getting stolen
Mike's and Mia's Peter Pan Yearbook Project
Trying Chicken Alfredo Pizza
Josh Kauffman's "magic tricks"
Tinkerbell's jug breaking during the matinee performance, and Dave Anderson replacing it with an identical jug before the next show
Going to the Canton Eagle office to get copies of the paper with Olivia on the front page
Buying and signing a 100th anniversary edition of "Peter Pan and Wendy" as a gift for Olivia
Dave Anderson crashing and needing nine staples in his head. Flying is dangerous work.
Anthony's cell phone going off during the performance
The nest of angry bees above the theater entrance
Reading "The Wounded Land" by Stephen R. Donaldson
Walking to the convenience store down the road with Isaac and noticing the strangeness of not seeing any people around
Anthony talking about his son and the need to get him the best cell phone photo technology
Getting Olivia changed into her nightgown backstage (and the argument that it took to get her to agree to do it)
Motrin is my best friend
Olivia walking to the wrong spot during curtain call and almost taking off Molly's arm with her fly line
Buying snacks from Olivia's Fabulous Foods for the entire cast
Christopher's wonder as we toured backstage after the Saturday matinee
Being in awe of the Braun's during intermission ("It's...... THE BRAUNS! I can't believe it!!!!")
Our despair after hearing the orchestra during the dress rehearsals (And our relief that they managed to pull it together shortly thereafter)
Posting advertisements for the play at the Dearborn Public Libraries
Suggesting lines for Patrick Lutz for when Smee is dragged offstage by the Lost Boys (He actually used one!!!)
Mike Petrillo growing up when he wasn't supposed to grow up (%&*!# PUBERTY)
Losing my money clip at the convenience store (Thank goodness it was empty)
Thanks to Emily and the kids for all the amazing fun. "Peter Pan" was a blast.