Friday, June 02, 2006


Pan in the Can

It's over at last. The last item on the Peter Pan agenda has been completed. Last night was the Cast Party for all the kids and their parents.

I've got to admit, it wasn't my thing. The night kicked off with loud kareokee. Something that should generally be avoided at all costs. Even the talent of these young thespians could only make it slightly more bearable. Yikes. And allowing the kids to sing stuff like Madonna and Michael Jackson about made me sick.

Emily Sherman finally showed almost an hour into the thing. One disappointment was that she dispensed with the Mock Awards, something that everyone looks forward to at every party. They're supposed to be posted on Ever After's web site later today.

Instead, she launched into a big trivia contest. Nice idea, but it went on for what seemed like an hour. I was happy when Olivia correctly answered what I thought was a fairly challenging question and won a Tinkerbell toy from the Disney Store

The one thing I will say good about the trivia contest is that the food arrived while the kids were answering questions. This left the adults with a clear shot at eating their fill.

Yup, I'm one selfish guy.

Anyway, the party was cut short for us when Liv came down with some pretty intense stomach cramps. I could tell by looking at her that she was not doing very well. So, we left, missing out on what I heard was an excellent singing performance by Emily.

And that's that. Ever After Production's version of Peter Pan is now completely a memory.

On to Summer Stock and the Fall musical......

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