Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Liberal Lunacy

I love Glenn Hauman. He's a wonderful liberal. He's brutally honest about what he believes. And not only is he almost always wrong about everything upon which he opines, he's so mean-spirited about his views that he reassures me that conservatives truly are the good guys. (He recently posted about a fantasy debate on Evolution and Intelligent Design in which the atheistic evolutionist attacks and pummels the ID proponent with a baseball bat. This is good thing, according to Glenn.)

Glenn recently had a late flight to Las Vegas in which he some time to blog. Among other things, he talked about why Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday because it has no "religious component" whatsoever.

Glenn is not only open about his liberality, he's also quite honest about his ignorance of history. I would advise him to read the various Thanksgiving proclamations that have been made since the earliest observances of this holiday, right up to the one issues by President Bush.

Despite what Glenn asserts, Thanksgiving is one of our most profound religious events when we as a nation give praise and gratitude to Almighty God for the blessings He has bestowed on us.

Cheer up, Glenn. There's always Labor Day.

Glenn's blog posting that I reference above can be found [here]. It's in there. You have to sort through a few of his other wrongheaded opinions, thoughts, and assertions as well.

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